Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tie and Cookies, Naughty and Nice

It's another Disney tie. Naughty and Nice. I was always nice before Christmas, weren't you? I might of harassed my big sister, annoyed my parents, and bullied my little brother -BUT, that one good deed of cleaning my room had to offset all of that. IT HAD TO! Come on Santa, please understand.

Someone's little girl is lobbying for the nice side.

See below.

She has been meeting with Mrs. Fortkamp and two other first graders twice a week afterschool. Alea always has fun and always has some interesting stories to bring home. Today she brought home something tasty. I love the note, it added so much. The best part is the half of cookie. You can start to see the Naughty peeking through now, can't you? This is from the little princess that picks up the M & M from the floor and says, "Joshua gets this one." Need more evidence? This last one, I laughed at for hours and still chuckle as I write. This particular transcript reads,

"Josh wants dipeers (diapers). I like Michell (Mitchell). Dad and Mom are spical to me. Josh Dus to. Dad is a Dorywck."

The fact that she writes "Dork" exactly as she pronounces it, is especially hilarious. She's such an odd child... I'm not sure the cookies are enough to override these malevolent deeds. Except that even if I was to give her a rock for Christmas, she'd love it -probably just to spite me : )

1 comment:

  1. She is a unique child and totally hilarious. but she has the imagination, creativity and ambitious attributes to stand her well in the future.

    We had a parent at a visitation day on campus who said she loved the administration and faculty because of their sense of humor. She says a sense of humor indicates intelligence and our Psychology Professor says that studies have indicated exactly that. So, Alea must be very intelligent because she is absolutely hilarious without trying.

    The ability to pretend and imagine also indicate intelligence and the ability to succeed. Having imagination makes you capable of "stepping into anothers shoes", visualizing outcomes, solutions, and thinking outside of the box. Actually both of your children are fantastic at that.

    Just saying...... :)


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